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Lightswitch application gets stuck while getting latest changes from TFS source control

I have a Lightswitch application which was migrated to visual studio 2012 and TFS from Visual sourcesafe 2005. When VS starts it is set to get latest version from TFS.

I get the current error message: "The item [Solution_name]\[Application_Name].vssscc could not be found in your workspace or you do not have permissions to access it." (I checked and it is indeed missing). If I continue, the studio gets stuck.

If I delete the project entirely and get it again the solution loads OK, but any check in will cause the same phenomena to repeat.

Any suggestions will be most appreciated.


  • I finally figured out what the problem was: Some files were deleted, but the project reference to them was not removed in source control. After removing the reference from the project and checking in, the problem was solved.