I have a batch file that allows the user to enter a file. It enters and stores the file path correctly. But when I go to enter the file and do anything with it, (in my case just set line1 as the first line and print it), It can't find the filename because it has a space in there.
Here is the code.
SET /p "infile=enter file"
Echo you're file is %infile%
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%infile%") do (
set line1= %1
goto :endfor
echo %line1%
And here is what happens.
When trying to find the file, The system thinks that files name ends at "my" instead of the full "my text.txt" How could I deal with the space in the filename?
Your problem is not the space in the name of the file. Your problem is that you are typing the name of the file with quotes, quotes that are stored in the variable, and then placing aditional quotes in the for
SET /p "infile=enter file"
set "infile=%infile:"=%"
Echo you're file is %infile%
Ensure there are no aditional quotes in the filename and this error will not happen (or don't use quotes when typing the name of the file)