My program has been written using classes from the SDL library.
I have the following class:
class s_group
SDL_Surface* image;
unsigned int* F_total;
float* F_length;
SDL_Rect** F;
float* F_current;
unsigned int S_total;
unsigned int S_current;
virtual ~s_group(void);
bool setup( const char* filename, unsigned int s );
//other member functions
Private member pointers each store the location of memory declared on the heap, as allocated by the member function setup
bool s_group::setup( const char* filename, unsigned int s )
s_group::~s_group();//delete already allocated heap memory
if(!load_file(image, filename))
image = NULL;
return false;
S_total = s;
F = new SDL_Rect*[S_total];
F_total = new unsigned int[S_total];
F_length = new float[S_total];
F_current = new float[S_total];
for(unsigned int index = 0; index < S_total; ++index)
F[index] = NULL;
F_total[index] = 0;
F_length[index] = 0.f;
F_current[index] = 0.f;
//loop for each array slot and set values of data
return true;
Within a large function I create an object of this class on the heap, storing its address in an s_group
pointer named sparkle
s_group* sparkle = new s_group;
sparkle->setup("sparkle_final.png", 1 );
On completion of the function I call delete
to reallocate the heap memory. Removing this line solves the problem, however there would then be a memory leak.
delete sparkle;
sparkle = NULL;
This will call the destructor of the class which is where I believe the error occurs due to an internal use of the delete
image = NULL;
for(unsigned int s = 0; s < S_total; ++s)
for(unsigned int f = 0; f < F_total[s]; ++f)
F[s][f].x = 0;
F[s][f].y = 0;
F[s][f].w = 0;
F[s][f].h = 0;
delete[] F[s];
F[s] = NULL;
delete[] F;
delete[] F_total;
F_total = NULL;
delete[] F_length;
F_length = NULL;
delete[] F_current;
F_current = NULL;
S_total = 0;
S_current = 0;
On reaching the delete operator, a dialog box appears stating:
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in Program.exe. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in Program.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
How do I delete
this object without causing the heap corruption?
Since posting this question I have located the source of the error and solved the issue. In a separate section of code which set the data values for the dynamic 2D array the loop validation was incorrect.
for( unsigned int index = 0; index <= F_total[ S_current ]; ++index ) {
//set data values for each slot in the array
F[ S_current ][ index ].x = 0; etc...
As can be seen the loop will clearly attempt to modify a location equal to the size of the created array. Noting of course that arrays begin at index 0, so the final slot will be at size - 1. Something very silly that I missed when writing the code. Actual loop:
for( unsigned int index = 0; index < F_total[ S_current ]; ++index ) {
//set data values for each slot in the array
F[ S_current ][ index ].x = 0; etc...
A message for anyone attempting their own memory management: