Here's my first post, and first question.
Why shouldn't I*)(&bmpImageData),bmpImageDataSize);
to read data block from BMP file, and how should I do this properly (I know about BGR triplets, but as for now I do not really care about them existing) EDIT: Maybe I should clarify something - as the code is right now it compiles pretty well, but stops working on the line provided higher.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mybmp.h"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
filebuf bmpBuff;
ifstream bmpFile("test.bmp", ios::binary);"test_zapis.bmp", ios::binary | ios::out);
ostream bmpSaved(&bmpBuff);
unsigned long bmpSizeBuffer;
bmpFile.seekg(2, ios::beg); // Missing BMP, DIB identification for good byte adjustment
mybmp bmpHeader;*)(&bmpHeader),sizeof(mybmp));
unsigned long bmpImageDataSize = bmpHeader.FReadFileSize()-bmpHeader.FReadOffset(); // Reading ImageData size
char* bmpImageData = new char[bmpImageDataSize];
bmpFile.seekg(bmpHeader.FReadOffset(),ios::beg); // Positioning pointer to ImageData start point*)(&bmpImageData),bmpImageDataSize); // This breaks down // Reading ImageData to bmpImageData buffer
// Fun with buffer //
for(int i = 0; i < bmpImageDataSize; i++)
// Saving (...) //
cout << "Plik nie zostal wczytany"<<endl;
return 0;
My mybmp.h header:
#pragma pack(push,1)
class mybmp
unsigned long fileSize; // BMP overall filesize in bytes
unsigned long reserved; // filled with 0
unsigned long fileOffset; // Offset before Raster Data
unsigned long size; // Size of InfoHeader = 40
unsigned long width; // overall image width
unsigned long height; // overall image height;
unsigned short planes; // = 1;
unsigned short bitCounts; // Bits per Pixel
unsigned long compression; // Type of compression
unsigned long typeOfImage; // compressed size of Image. 0 if compression parameter = 0;
unsigned long xPixelsPerM; // horizontal resolution - Pixels/Meter
unsigned long yPixelsPerM; // vertical resolution - Pixels/Meter
unsigned long colorsUsed; // Number of colors actually used
unsigned long colorsImportant; // Number of important colors, 0 if all
unsigned long FReadFileSize();
void FPrintObject();
unsigned long FReadOffset();
#pragma pack(pop)
The line*)(&bmpImageData),bmpImageDataSize);
looks wrong, the bmpImageData
is already a char *
. Taking the address gives you a char **
(which will probably be on the stack), which you then write to, corrupting your stack.
Change your problem line to this (bmpImageData, bmpImageDataSize);
does that help?