A couple of days ago I asked about a module (here) I wanted to implement which takes the MSB of input samples, accumulates them (by shifting) and combines them into the output sample when the 32 output bit is "filled".
Thanks to the help there, I got this implementation, which doesn't produce any compilation errors and seemed fine with Xilinx 12.1:
module my_rx_dsp0
//frontend bus width
parameter WIDTH = 24
//control signals
input clock, //dsp clock
input reset, //active high synchronous reset
input clear, //active high on packet control init
input enable, //active high when streaming enabled
//user settings bus, controlled through user setting regs API
input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data,
//full rate inputs directly from the RX frontend
input [WIDTH-1:0] frontend_i,
input [WIDTH-1:0] frontend_q,
//full rate outputs directly to the DDC chain
output [WIDTH-1:0] ddc_in_i,
output [WIDTH-1:0] ddc_in_q,
//strobed samples {I16,Q16} from the RX DDC chain
input [31:0] ddc_out_sample,
input ddc_out_strobe, //high on valid sample
output ddc_out_enable, //enables DDC module
//strobbed baseband samples {I16,Q16} from this module
output reg [31:0] bb_sample,
output reg bb_strobe //high on valid sample
reg [3:0] i_msb;
reg [3:0] q_msb;
reg [31:0] temp_buff = 0;
reg [1:0] count = 0;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if(ddc_out_strobe) begin
// bit shifter for MSB
temp_buff <= {i_msb,q_msb,temp_buff[31:8]};
// to avoid if-else condition
count <= (count==2'd3) ? 2'd0 : (count+1);
always @(*) begin
i_msb = ddc_out_sample[31:28];
q_msb = ddc_out_sample[15:12];
// to avoid if-else condition
bb_strobe = (count==2'd3);
bb_sample = bb_strobe ? temp_buff : 32'd0;
assign ddc_in_i = frontend_i;
assign ddc_in_q = frontend_q;
assign ddc_out_enable = enable;
endmodule //my_rx_dsp0_custom
Now I wanted to implement a testbench that tests my_rx_dsp0.v
with some examples.
I implemented a my_rx_dsp0_tb_2.v
, which reads 32 bit samples from a file named my_input.dat
to feed to the module as input
s ddc_out_sample
They are then compared to the correct values stored at my_output.dat
Note: I did not write this testbench myself, I adapted it from another testbench from an open-source project.
Here is the implementation:
module my_rx_dsp0_tb ( );
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg enable;
reg ddc_out_strobe; //high on valid sample
reg [31:0] ddc_out_sample;
wire [31:0] bb_sample = 32'd0;
wire bb_strobe;
wire ddc_out_enable = 1'b1; //enables DDC module
parameter WIDTH = 24;
parameter clocks = 2; // number of clocks per input
reg endofsim = 0;
integer number_of_errors;
initial number_of_errors = 0;
wire set_stb = 1;
wire [7:0] set_addr;
wire [31:0] set_data;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] frontend_i;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] frontend_q;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] ddc_in_i;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] ddc_in_q;
reg signed [31:0] compare_out;
// Setup the clock
initial clk = 1'b0;
always #5 clk <= ~clk ;
// Come out of reset after a while
initial reset = 1'b1 ;
initial #1000 reset = 1'b0 ;
// Enable the entire system
initial enable = 1'b1 ;
// Instantiate UUT
my_rx_dsp0 #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) UUT_rx_dsp0
( .clock(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear), .enable(enable),
.set_stb(set_stb), .set_addr(set_addr), .set_data(set_data),
.frontend_i(frontend_i), .frontend_q(frontend_q),
.ddc_in_i(ddc_in_i), .ddc_in_q(ddc_in_q),
.ddc_out_sample(ddc_out_sample), .ddc_out_strobe(ddc_out_strobe), .ddc_out_enable(ddc_out_enable),
.bb_sample(bb_sample), .bb_strobe(bb_strobe) );
//-------Setup file IO-------//
integer i, r_in, r_out, infile, outfile;
initial begin
infile = $fopen("my_input.dat","r");
outfile = $fopen("my_output.dat","r");
$timeformat(-9, 2, " ns", 10) ;
// for n=9,p=2 digits after decimal pointer
//min_field_width=10 number of character positions for %t
//-------Get sim values and display errors-------//
initial begin
// Initialize inputs
ddc_out_strobe <= 1'd0;
ddc_out_sample <= 32'd0;
// Wait for reset to go away
@(negedge reset) #0;
while(!endofsim) begin
// Write the input from the file or 0 if EndOfFile(EOF)
@(posedge clk) begin
ddc_out_strobe <= 1'b1;
r_in = $fscanf(infile,"%b\n",ddc_out_sample);
ddc_out_sample <= 32'd0;
// Clocked in; set the strobe to 0 if the # of clocks/sample
// is greater than 1
if( clocks > 1 ) begin
@(posedge clk) begin
ddc_out_strobe <= 1'b0 ;
// Wait for the specified # of cycles
for( i = 0 ; i < (clocks-2) ; i = i + 1 ) begin
@(posedge clk) #1 ;
// Print out the number of errors that occured
if(number_of_errors) begin
$display("FAILED: %d errors during simulation",number_of_errors) ;
end else begin
$display("PASSED: Simulation successful") ;
//-------Comparison btwn simulated values vs known good values-------//
always @(posedge clk) begin
endofsim <= 1'b0 ;
else begin
if(!$feof(outfile)) begin
if(bb_strobe) begin
r_out = $fscanf(outfile,"%b\n",compare_out);
if(compare_out != bb_sample) begin
$display("%t: %b != %b",$realtime,bb_sample,compare_out);
number_of_errors = number_of_errors + 1;
end else begin
$display("%t: %b = %b",$realtime,bb_sample,compare_out);
end else begin
// Signal end of simulation when no more outputs
endofsim <= 1'b1 ;
endmodule // my_rx_dsp0_tb
When simulating with ISim from Xilinx ISE Suite Edition 12.1 I do not get the desired functionality from the module. I am afraid the output contains several x
states (unknown states), instead of 1
s or 0
s as expected.
Question Is this due to:
1) The way the files are being read with $fscanf
2) Did I wrong by initializing reg [31:0] temp_buff = 0
3) Or does someone have an idea on what went wrong?
The error prompts from the testbench are (as an example):
xx000x00xxx00x0xx000x0x000000000 != 10000110111001011100010001101100
The X is from having multiple conflicting drivers on bb_sample
and ddc_out_enable
. The wire
type merges the drivers, conflicting bit values of the same strength resolve as X.
is the intended diver. However you added and additional drivers from the way you declared your wires.
wire [31:0] bb_sample = 32'd0; // "= 32'd0" is a continuous driver
wire bb_strobe;
wire ddc_out_enable = 1'b1; // "= 1'd1" is a continuous driver
What you want is:
wire [31:0] bb_sample;
wire bb_strobe;
wire ddc_out_enable;
Correcting the above will resolve the X issue. Based on the example error it looks like are data miss matches. With the provided information, it is hard to tell it if it a test-bench or design issue. Could be just clock or propagation skew.