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Illegal Quoting error with Ruby CSV parsing

I know there's lots of similar questions but I haven't found a solution yet. I'm trying to use the CSV parsing library with Ruby 1.9.1 but I keep getting:

/usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/csv.rb:1925:in `block (2 levels) in shift': Illegal quoting in line 1. (CSV::MalformedCSVError)

My CSV files were created in Windows 7 but it's Ubuntu 12.04 that I'm using to run the Ruby script, which looks like this:

require 'csv'

CSV.foreach('out.csv', :col_sep => ';') do |row|
   puts row

Nothing complicated, just a test, so I assumed it must be the Windows control characters causing problems. Vim shows up this:

"Part 1";;;;^M
Failure to Lodge Income Tax Return(s);;;;^M
some name;"some,address";Bookkeeper;3;1,250.00^M
some name;"some,address";Haulier;1;600.00^M
some name;"some,address";Scaffolding Hire;1;250.00^M
some name;"some,address";Farmer;2;500.00^M
some name;"some,address";Builder;2;3000.00

I've tried removing those control characters for carraige returns that Windows added (^M), but %s/^V^M//g and %s/^M//g result in no pattern found. If I run %s/\r//g then the ^M characters are removed, but the same error still persists when I run the Ruby script. I've also tried running set ffs=unix,dos but it has no effect. Thanks.

If I remove the double quotes around the Part 1 on the first line, then the script prints out what it should and then throws a new error: Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n (line 10). If I then remove the \r characters, the script runs fine.

I understand that I would have to remove the \r characters, but why will it only work if I unquote the first value?


  • The problem causing the Illegal quoting error was due to a Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) at the very beginning of the file. It didn't show up in editors, but the Ruby CSV lib was choking on it unless :encoding => 'bom|utf-8' was set.

    Once that was fixed, I still needed to remove all the '^M' characters by running %s/\r//g in vim. And everything was working fine after that.