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How can I check if a string ends with a particular substring in Liquid?

I know there is a contains keyword so I can use:

{% if some_string contains sub_string %}
    <!-- do_something -->
{% ... %}

But how can I check if a string ends with a particular substring?

I've tried this but it won't work:

{% if some_string.endswith? sub_string %}
    <!-- do_something -->
{% ... %}


  • As a workaround you could use the string slice method

    • with as startIndex: some_string length - sub_string length and
    • stringLength: sub_string size
    • and if the result of the slice is the same as the sub_string -> the sub_string is at the end of some_string.

    it's a bit clumpy in a liquid template but it would look like:

    {% capture sub_string %}{{'subString'}}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture some_string %}{{'some string with subString'}}{% endcapture %}
    {% assign sub_string_size = sub_string | size %}
    {% assign some_string_size = some_string | size %}
    {% assign start_index = some_string_size | minus: sub_string_size %}
    {% assign result = some_string | slice: start_index, sub_string_size %}
    {% if result == sub_string %}
        Found string at the end
    {% else %}
        Not found
    {% endif %}

    and if the some_string is empty or shorter than sub_string it works anyway because the slice result would be empty as well