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Set raw value with Rails.cache.write

I'm trying to save entire response.body to memcached. I'm doing it like so:

Rails.cache.write(request.headers['HTTP_X_MEMCACHED_KEY'], response.body)

The problem is that it prepends some garbage to the value:

o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry  :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1355928410.584484:@value"GsI";s<!DOCTYPE html>...

I tried to pass :raw => true to Rails.cache.write, but it returns false and doesn't put the value to memcached. I think it fails because response.body is not properly escaped.

I also tried this way:

Rails.cache.write(request.headers['HTTP_X_MEMCACHED_KEY'], Marshal.dump(response.body), :raw => true)

It works, but there's still some garbage in the value:

I"fD<!DOCTYPE html>...

How to put a clean value into memcached?


  • It seems memcached was unable to cache data because of unescaped unicode characters in response.body.

    Now I'm passing as the value, it works fine, but I'm still wondering if it is the best solution.