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How to get GET params from view to controller with anchor tag in Kohana 3.2

I have an anchor in view:

echo HTML::anchor("admin/supm_find?page=".($page+1).'&tselected='.$selected, "Next");

Wenn, i ckick on anchor tag, that's call "admin" contorller with "supm_find" action and "page" and "selected" params.

In controller:


but, the both variables value is NULL! What's wrong? In error message i see this :

 SYSPATH\classes\kohana\request\client\internal.php [ 116 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke(arguments) 

        protected _get => array(2) (
        "page" => string(1) "2"
        "selected" => string(7) "Wien"

How to get these values?


  • This should work:


    $this->request->post() operate on $_POST array,

    $this->request->query() operate on $_GET array

    $this->request->param() operate on kohana route params

    You can read more here: