I use wysihtml5. When you insert an image
<img alt src="src" media_img_id="123" data-title="title" data-author="author" />
The result is
<img alt src="src" />
Rules for img
"img": {
"remove": 0,
"check_attributes": {
"width": "numbers",
"alt": "alt",
"src": "url", // if you compiled master manually then change this from 'url' to 'src'
"height": "numbers",
"media_img_id": "numbers"
"add_class": {
"align": "align_img"
How to make the attributes generally not removed?
I have the same task today to extend abilities of this editor. You should add your attributes in special object: I'm using additionaly bootstrap3-wysihtml5 - https://github.com/schnawel007/bootstrap3-wysihtml5 . The object that should be added with new attributes for element:
var defaultOptions = $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptions = {
"img": {
"width": "numbers",
"alt": "alt",
"data-encid": "alt", <<-here is my custom attribute
"src": "url",
"height": "numbers"
and in wysihtml5.js you should add condition in which your src attribute is differs from classical source (that this plugin expected) "http://example.png".
line 4922:
if (checkAttributes) {
for (attributeName in checkAttributes) {
method = attributeCheckMethods[checkAttributes[attributeName]];
if (!method) {
newAttributeValue = method(_getAttribute(oldNode, attributeName));
if (typeof(newAttributeValue) === "string") {
attributes[attributeName] = newAttributeValue;
replace with:
if (checkAttributes) {
for (attributeName in checkAttributes) {
method = attributeCheckMethods[checkAttributes[attributeName]];
if (!method) {
newAttributeValue = (attributeName == "src" && checkAttributes["data-encid"])
? oldNode.src
: method(_getAttribute(oldNode, attributeName));
if (typeof(newAttributeValue) === "string") {
attributes[attributeName] = newAttributeValue;
Here I just copy the src attribute value without checking through wysihtml5.js core.
Hope this helps!