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Performance advantages of an array of function pointer over if blocks

I have a Solver class that reads data from a System class and calculates a solution for the system current state. Depending on the system data, there are different member functions that I should call to get each value of a huge matrix. My question is: If I use function pointers instead of if statements, will I get better performance? (this procedure is repeated several times and I wish to optimize it)


class System
  friend class Solver;

    void print();
    double x[n];
    int equationType[n];

Solver with If statements

class Solver
    void solve(){
        for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
            if(sys->equationType[i] == 1)
                solveForEq1(i, x[i]);
            else if(sys->equationType[i] == 2)
                solveForEq2(i, x[i]);
            else if //...
    System *sys;
    void solveForEq1(int, double);
    void solveForEq2(int, double);

Solver with function pointers (will this actually work? and faster?)

typedef void (Solver::*MemFuncPtr)(int, double);

class Solver
    Solver(System* s) : sys(s){
        mfp[0] = &Solver::solveForEq1;
        mfp[1] = &Solver::solveForEq2;
    void solve(){
        for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
            *(mfp[equationType[i]])(i, x[i]);
    System *sys;
    MemFuncPtr mfp[2];
    void solveForEq1(int, double);
    void solveForEq2(int, double);


  • It will work faster without the if statement.

    If statements make your CPU chace 80% of the positive branch, which leads to cache misses when going for negative branches.

    Whenever you are able to get rid of a "if" statement then you made a huge improvement.

    Considering your case where you don't have the positive branch the usual case scenario (usual case scenario for a positive branch is something like if (argument!=NULL) ), then you should have a significant performance gain.

    The performance gain also varies accourding to CPU type (RISC or CISC).