I need to create a deque by myself to understand how it works with practice and also I don't need to use the library, I'd like to write my own functions
I created a class Deque, which has methods push_back(), push_front(), pop_back(), pop_front();
At first I wrote such a code for push_front():
void Deque :: push_front( int data, int number ) {
deque[head - 1] = data;
here is the constructor:
Deque :: Deque( int number ) : head (1), tail (1),
go_straight (0), go_back (1),
deque (new int [number]) {
for( int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
deque[i] = 0;
but this push_front works in such a way: if I input 4(number of elements) and then 40(value)
40 0 0 0
if I input 50(value) it will turn into:
40 50 0 0
But I need to do it like this
50 40 0 0
In other words I need to move the elements on +1, how can I do that?
Thank you in advance!!!
Assuming your sequence is stored in some array ar[N]
, and some ar[len]
where len < N
is the current "back" of your queue, simply "shift" the elements:
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, size_t N>
bool push_front(const T& val, T(&ar)[N], size_t& len)
if (len >= N)
return false;
size_t i = len;
while (i--)
ar[i+1] = ar[i];
ar[0] = val;
return true;
template<typename T, size_t N>
void print_array(const T(&ar)[N])
for (auto& x : ar)
std::cout << x << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
int main()
int ar[10] = {0};
size_t len = 0;
for (int i=10; push_front(i, ar, len); i+=10);
return 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Note: this has O(N) complexity for every insertion (which means O(N^2) for inserting N items). Using a circular buffer and very careful modulo arithmetic you can make it O(1), but it isn't trivial, so I warn you ahead of time.
Regarding how this may work in your code, including fleshing out a copy/swap idiom for compliance with the Rule of Three. The two pushes have been implemented. I leave the two pops, the top()
, and back()
implementation to you.
#include <algorithm>
class Deque
unsigned int size;
unsigned int length;
int *elems;
void swap(Deque& other)
std::swap(size, other.size);
std::swap(length, other.length);
std::swap(elems, other.elems);
Deque(unsigned int size)
: size(size)
, length(0)
, elems(new int[size]())
Deque(const Deque& arg)
: size(arg.size)
, length(arg.length)
, elems(new int[arg.size])
std::copy(arg.elems, arg.elems + arg.length, elems);
delete [] elems;
Deque& operator =(Deque obj)
return *this;
// push to the front of the deque
bool push_front(int value)
if (length == size)
return false;
unsigned int i=length;
while (i--)
elems[i+1] = elems[i];
elems[0] = value;
return true;
// push to the back of the deque
bool push_back(int value)
if (length == size)
return false;
elems[length++] = value;
return true;