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Why doesn't removing the last scene in cocosd2d-x trigger the scenes destructor?

I've added a Player* _player pointer to my HelloWorldScene scene in cocos2d-x v.2.2.2. I've defined class Player : public cocos2d::Object, so it's referenced counted. My create method for HelloWorldScene looks like this

Scene* HelloWorldScene::createScene(Player* player)
  auto scene = Scene::create();
  auto layer = HelloWorldScene::create();
  layer->_player = player;
  return scene;

where player is instantiated in AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching(). Now, since I've retained _player (and I feel like a nice guy today), I've decided to release it as well:

  if (_player)

So far so good. However, when HelloWorldScene is popped, the following is called

void Director::popScene(void)
  CCASSERT(_runningScene != nullptr, "running scene should not null");

  ssize_t c = _scenesStack.size();

  if (c == 0)
    _sendCleanupToScene = true;
    _nextScene = - 1);

So, whenever HelloWorldScene is the last scene in the stack, it won't get destroyed? (At least that's what it seems like from XCode.)

I'm not a C++ grandmaster, so forgive my ignorance. Yet, to me, this is quite unexpected behavior. Shouldn't the popped scene be cleaned up before program termination (by letting _sendCleanupToScene = true and having it run one more iteration)?

Clearly, I'm missing something ... If anyone could shed some light on this, I'd be thrilled! :)


  • So the premise of my question was wrong - I somehow got the idea that everything had to be released at program termination. But, as I re-learned yesterday, the OS will of course reclaim the allocated memory once the program terminates. Thus making releasing the last scene in the stack unnecessary.