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EXCEL 2010 find max value cell and change its color

I am working on VBA EXCEL 2010.

I need to find the max value in a column and highlight its cell with a color.

Sub findMax_1()
    Dim c As Range
    Dim max As Double
    Dim maxCell As String
     max = 0
     For Each c In Selection
        If c.Value > max Then
           max = c.Value
           maxCell = c.Address
        End If
     Next c
     ActiveSheet.Range("A10") = max
     ActiveSheet.Range(maxCell).Color = vbBlue
 End Sub

It does not work. Runtime error 438.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • As simco mentioned in the comments you would need to change the following line of code:

    ActiveSheet.Range(maxCell).Color = vbBlue


    ActiveSheet.Range(maxCell).Interior.Color = vbBlue

    The problem with your current code is that if you have nothing selected you would end up with a 1004 error. One way of overcoming this is as simco mentioned to check if you have any cells selected. The method below is the method I preferr. Lets say you have your data in Column A:

    enter image description here

    Use the code below:

    Sub findMax_1()
        Dim c As Range
        Dim flag As Boolean
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim max As Double
        Dim maxCell As String
        flag = True
        i = 1
        max = 0
        While flag = True
            If Cells(i, 1) <> "" Then
                If Cells(i, 1) > max Then
                   max = Cells(i, 1)
                   maxCell = Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Address
                End If
                  i = i + 1
                flag = False
            End If
         ActiveSheet.Range("A10") = max
         ActiveSheet.Range(maxCell).Interior.Color = vbBlue
     End Sub


    enter image description here

    Also you could look at this article on my blog for more information Excel VBA Formatting Cells and Range

    Also as simco mentioned you could use conditional formatting, Select the column with the data:

    enter image description here

    From the Home Ribbon Select Conditional Formatting>>Top/Bottom Rules >> Top 10 Items ...>>

    enter image description here

    Select "1" From the left text box and choose your color from the drop down list on the right:

    enter image description here