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Need tornado to resolve parameters

My case is maybe silly and simple..but help me please :) I'm sending a parameter (single character) via android application using the GET request to a tornado server.. all what i need is tornado to resolve the parameter sent to it in order to compare it with a value.. i saw some documentation with examples using such as :

    def get(self):
     cmd = self.get_arguements(command,TRUE)
     if self.get_arguements == "a" : something

any help please?


  • Let's modify the example code from tornadoweb.

        import tornado.ioloop
        import tornado.web
        class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
            def get(self):
                print("Hello!")  # Just so you see that the right handler is invoked
                # Lets get what's in the ?command=...
                cmd = self.get_argument("command", None)
                if cmd == 'd':
                    print("You passed in the 'd' command")
                elif cmd == 'r':
                    print("We got the r command!")
                    print("Command unknown :(")
        application = tornado.web.Application([
            (r"/", MainHandler),
        if __name__ == "__main__":

    This assumes the request looks something like this:

    GET /?command=d