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telegram bot web app receives data with GET method #tgWebAppData php

This data does not exist in $_SERVER

example url wep app request

I checked $_SERVER and there was no information about it. How do I receive such $_GET data? or do I have to rework it by writing codes in the .htaccess file?


  • As others mentioned in comments, the part of a URL following a # is the "fragment" or "anchor", historically used to move the viewport within a page and without talking to the server and recently often to hold more complex clientside state. It's not sent as part of an HTTP request.

    Query strings are key=value pairs following a ? and separated by &, and are sent to the server. Given your example, that # should probably be a ?.

    You can learn about the parts of a URL, which is a kind of URI, from Wikipedia's exhaustive page on the topic or from Mozilla's web docs.

    Here's Mozilla's fancy little explanation by image: enter image description here