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Extracting Class content such as (onProperty, somevalueFrom , unioinOf (which contain a collection) and equivalentClass)

I'm trying to extract class's content from owl file which consists of onProperty and someValuesFrom where the someValueFrom consists of class that contain a unionOf (onProperty, someValueFrom and equivalentClass), I have created a SPARQL query to extract these data, however every time it returns blank nodes such as ":b0" and ":b1". Does anyone have any idea what should I do with my query in order to make it provide the needed results. This is my owl file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""/>
  <owl:Class rdf:about=""/>
  <owl:Class rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype=""
          <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=""/>
            <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
                  <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=""/>
                  <owl:Class rdf:about=""/>
              <owl:Class rdf:about=""/>
    <rdfs:label rdf:datatype=""
    >haulage worker</rdfs:label>

and This is my SPARQL query that I have created :

    prefix abc: <>
    prefix ghi: <>
    prefix mno: <>
    prefix owl: <>
    prefix rdfs: <>
    prefix rdf: <>
    prefix list: <>

    select distinct ?class ?ObjectProperty ?someValuesFrom ?otherClass where { ?class a  owl:Class .

       ?class owl:equivalentClass ?e .
        ?e a owl:Restriction .
#       ?e owl:onProperty ?ObjectProperty .
        ?e owl:someValuesFrom [ a owl:Class; 
                                    owl:unionOf [ rdf:first ?    ObjectProperty; 
                                    rdf:rest ?someValuesFrom ;     rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?otherClass]] .  

     FILTER( STRSTARTS(STR(?class),STR(owl:)) || STRSTARTS(STR(?class),STR(abc:)))  
    }group by ?class  ?ObjectProperty ?someValuesFrom ?otherClass
    order by ?class

and This is the result that I had got :

| class               | ObjectProperty | someValuesFrom | otherClass          |
| abc:haulage_company |                |                |                     |
| abc:haulage_worker  | _:b0           | _:b1           | _:b0                |
| abc:haulage_worker  | _:b0           | _:b1           | abc:haulage_company |
| owl:Thing           |                |                |                     |

but the expected result is :

| class               | ObjectProperty | someValuesFrom   | otherClass      |
| abc:haulage_company |                |                  |                 |
| abc:haulage_worker  | abc:works_for  |                  |                 |
| abc:haulage_worker  | abc:part_of    | haulage_company  | haulage_company |
| owl:Thing           |                |                  |                 |

What should I do with my SPARQL query in order to make return this result?

Many thanks in advance :)


  • The problem with your query:

    It may be easier to understand the results of the SPARQL query if you look at your data in the Turtle serialization rather than the RDF/XML serialization. The relevant portion of your data is:

    ns0:haulage_worker  a        owl:Class ;
            rdfs:comment         ""^^xsd:string ;
            rdfs:label           "haulage worker"^^xsd:string ;
            owl:equivalentClass  [ a                   owl:Restriction ;
                                   owl:onProperty      ns0:works_for ;
                                   owl:someValuesFrom  [ a            owl:Class ;
                                                         owl:unionOf  ( [ a                   owl:Restriction ;
                                                                          owl:onProperty      ns0:part_of ;
                                                                          owl:someValuesFrom  ns0:haulage_company
                                                                        ] ns0:haulage_company )

    Consider the match for the part about owl:unionOf. In your query, it's

    owl:unionOf  ( [ a                   owl:Restriction ;
                     owl:onProperty      ns0:part_of ;
                     owl:someValuesFrom  ns0:haulage_company ]
                   ns0:haulage_company )

    The elements of the list are a blank node with some properties, and ns0:haulage_company. The query that should match some of this data is:

    owl:unionOf [ rdf:first ?ObjectProperty; 
                  rdf:rest ?someValuesFrom ;
                  rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?otherClass ]] .  

    The thing that will match ?ObjectProperty is the first element of the list which, in this case, is not an object property, but is a blank node. The thing that will match ?someValuesFrom is the list node representing the rest of the list.

    Fixing your query:

    I'm not quite sure exactly what you are trying to return from this query. Based on your expected results, it looks like you're saying that a class ?class can be related to an owl:someValuesFrom restriction, in which case you want to bind ?ObjectProperty and ?someValuesFrom to the object property and class (if it's not a blank node), and bind ?otherClass to other related (non-blank) classes otherwise. You said you expected these results:

    | class               | ObjectProperty | someValuesFrom   | otherClass      |
    | abc:haulage_company |                |                  |                 |
    | abc:haulage_worker  | abc:works_for  |                  |                 |
    | abc:haulage_worker  | abc:part_of    | haulage_company  | haulage_company |
    | owl:Thing           |                |                  |                 |

    but if my understanding is correct, I think it would be easier and more useful to get something like:

    | class               | ObjectProperty | someValuesFrom   | otherClass      |
    | abc:haulage_company |                |                  |                 |
    | abc:haulage_worker  | abc:works_for  |                  |                 |
    | abc:haulage_worker  | abc:part_of    | haulage_company  |                 |
    | abc:haulage_worker  |                |                  | haulage_company |
    | owl:Thing           |                |                  |                 |

    You can do that with a query like this:

    prefix :      <>
    prefix owl:   <>
    prefix rdf:   <>
    select distinct ?class ?onProperty ?someValuesFrom ?otherClass where {
      #-- Select each named class.
      ?class a owl:Class .
      filter( !isBlank( ?class ))
      optional {
        #-- Find "related" classes by following a somewhat complex
        #-- property path that will follow equivalent classes,
        #-- existential restrictions, and unionOf expressions.
        ?class (owl:equivalentClass
               |(owl:unionOf/rdf:rest*/rdf:first))+ ?r .
        #-- Save non-blank related classes as ?otherClass.
        bind(if(isBlank(?r),?unbound,?r) as ?otherClass)
        #-- If the related class is a restriction, then we can 
        #-- take its owl:onProperty and owl:someValuesFrom.
        optional { 
          ?r owl:onProperty ?onProperty ;
             owl:someValuesFrom ?svf .
          bind( if(isBlank(?svf),?unbound,?svf) as ?someValuesFrom )
    values ?unbound { UNDEF }

    The pattern to save values that aren't bound to blank nodes is described in answers to an question, Binding a variable only when another is non-blank? The idea is to use values ?unbound { UNDEF } to ensure that ?unbound always has an undefined value, and then to use bind and if to assign either ?unbound or some other value to a projected variable. In essence, it's this:

    bind(if(isBlank(...),?unbound,...) as ...)
    values ?unbound { UNDEF }

    The results are

    | class            | onProperty | someValuesFrom   | otherClass       |
    | owl:Thing        |            |                  |                  |
    | :haulage_company |            |                  |                  |
    | :haulage_worker  |            |                  |                  |
    | :haulage_worker  | :works_for |                  |                  |
    | :haulage_worker  | :part_of   | :haulage_company |                  |
    | :haulage_worker  |            |                  | :haulage_company |

    This does include a row for :haulage_worker that doesn't have bindings for any of the other variables, but I think that's OK, since you already wanted such rows for owl:Thing and :haulage_company.