Is there any one who has any experience in programming with kinect without sensor? I mean that programing only by some sample RGB-D dataset without connected device, because I want to do my project with kinect and opencv but I dont want to buy the camera (it's costly for me). If you know please let me know in any programming language ?
If your RGB-D dataset consists of .ONI recordings, the Point Cloud Library will provide easy I/O functions and many algorithms dedicated to 3D processing.
If you never used it, a good starting point is the tutorial page, which provides many code samples and explanations, and in particular guides to get started quickly.
For the specific concern of opening your .ONI sequences, you can follow this tutorial, which explains how to open a connected Kinect device to grab RGB-D data. However, if you replace the following instruction (on line 17) :
pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber();
by this one :
pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber(string_filename);
where string_filename
is a std::string
containing the path to an .ONI sequence, it will open it and treat it as a Kinect-stream being acquired.