I am looking into the various options of generating Office documents on a server, in particular Excel documents.
The site isn't important but what is relevant is that it used the MS open XML library listed below. I checked out the article on Open Office here:
This project seems to set a reference to an openXML library
C:\Program Files\Open XML SDK\V2.0\lib\DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll
that is part of the Open XML SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Office.
When I ran the project, the code produced a file that XLSX extension that appeared to be in binary format, not XML format. Similarly, I have seen other Open Office coding examples the file read was a binary format, instead of a file in XML format. For example, when I open up the file in Note, I see "unreadable" characters rather than tags.
Isn't the whole point of Open office XML to read and write XML documents that are in an open format?
Change the file extension to zip and try again.