I get the error "maximum recursion depth exceeded" after setting "setlocal enabledelaydexpansions" in my Batch script. I already read http://ss64.com/nt/setlocal.html but can't figure out how to workaround this problem. Here is the script causing this problem.
set /p "message=Message:"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%message%"=="%spam%" (
set /a counter=%counter% + 1
if !counter! GTR 2 (
goto :SPAM
) ELSE (
) ELSE (
set counter=0
echo stop spamming
set "spam=%message%"
I tried setting "setlocal disabledelayedexpansion", "endlocal" after this script module but with no luck. Hopefully it's only little error I made.
Yes this seem to work, but I can't use exclamation marks now :( I set disabledelayedexpansion before entering %message% because of this.
I also saw now that this script makes more problems then I thought. Typing ^! brings up the value of the %message% variable defined later in in the script. Typing ^^! brings the next entry which changes %message%. Here are the values showing up:
REM Bad word filter with Format change for catching mutated vowels
chcp 1252>nul
SET before=%message%
SET message=%before:fuck=XXXXX%
SET before=%message%
SET message=%before:loser=XXXXX%
chcp 850>nul
^! gives me before:fuck
^^! gives me before:loser
Each time you go into the :SPAM
part, the :MESSAGE
part is called via GOTO again.
Place the setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
to the beginning of your batch