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Backbone fetch not working with single model

Here is my backbone code:

var UserModel=Backbone.Model.extend({
  url: ''

var user=new UserModel();

This returns the whole collection of users instead of user with the id of 1. When I change the url to

url: ''

I get back the user that I want. Why don't I get the record for 'user 1' when I user.set({id:1});

Note - My API is at a different domain, that is why I have the entire URL in my url property. Please help, I am ready to give up on backbone.


  • You will need to add the id to your model url like so.

    url: function() {
     if( {
       return '' +;
     return '';

    And then when you instantiate the user model you can pass it an id like this.

    var user = new UserModel({id: 1});

    Then when you do user.fetch() it will get ''

    Also by not passing an id to UserModel Backbone will send a POST request to ''