Search code examples

Context menus in Chrome extensions

I've searched and searched and searched for a solution to this but every source I come across seems to assume I already have profound knowledge of Chrome extensions, even Google's help pages

I know the very basics of Chrome extensions and I made one with some basic content scripts. However, now I'm looking to make one that involves context menus.

Let's say when you highlight words and right-click them, you see the option Search '<highlighted words>' on Google and when clicked, it opens<highlighted words> in a new tab. I know this exists in Chrome and I'm sure there have been a billion extensions replicating it, but this is only an example for me to build off of.

How can I do this?


  • Script should look like this:

    function getword(info,tab) {
      console.log("Word " + info.selectionText + " was clicked.");
        url: "" + info.selectionText
      title: "Search: %s", 
      onclick: getword

    And manifest.json:

        "name": "App name",
        "version": "1.0",
        "manifest_version": 2,
        "description": "Your description",
        "permissions": [
        "background": { 
          "scripts": ["script.js"]

    Here you have how to load extension: