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Neo4php REST API creates node as 'default'

In my domain model I have an entity called User, and I am creating a new node of that type in this manner:

public static function register(User $user){
            $user->node = new Node(Neo4jClient::client());      
        try {
            $user->node->setProperty('__type__', TYPE_USER);
            $user->node->setProperty('username', $user->getUsername());
            $user->node->setProperty('password', $user->getPassword());
            $user->node->setProperty('name', $user->getName());
            $user->node->setProperty('age', $user->getAge());
            $user->node->setProperty('location', $user->getLocation());
            $user->node->setProperty('website', $user->getWebsite());
            $user->node->setProperty('about', $user->getAbout());
            $user->node->setProperty('rating', $user->getRating());


            $userIndex = new Index(Neo4jClient::client(), Index::TypeNode, TYPE_USER);
            $userIndex->add($user->node, 'username', $user->username);

            return true;
        } catch (Exception $e){
            return false;

And, the node gets created in the database and everything is fine. Except...this way, the node is created as 'default node', as if I was using cypher CREATE n, for example. What I actually want is to create a node of specific type, as CREATE (n:User) but without having to actually use cypher directly.

Any idea how can achive this?


  • You want to use Neo4j "Labels". Try this:

    $userLabel = Neo4jClient::client()->makeLabel('User');

    More information here: