I've got a deque in c++ and I want to push back to it numbers from 1 to 17. I wrote the following code: string Result;
string Result;
ostringstream convert;
for(int i=1; i< 18; i++){
convert >> i;
Result = convert.str();
cout <<"temp at_"<< temp.at(16) << endl;
The problem is that temp.at(16) prints with cout: 1234567891011121314151617
and not 17
, how is it possible to add every time just the current i?
Edit: the above code works:
string Result;
ostringstream convert;
for(int i=1; i< 18; i++){
convert << i;
Result = convert.str();
cout <<"temp at_"<< temp.at(16) << endl;
It looks like you are not clearing your converter
are all your integers you iterated
Assuming, convert is:
std::stringstream convert;
you can clear it before each use using:
convert << i;