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clojure: var defined inside function is breaking precondition

I have this function:

 (defn executa-peso-individuo 
   [estado-individuo transicao-individuo]
   (def tipos-transicoes-peso #{:troca-peso :mesmo-peso})
   (def tipos-estados-peso #{:d :e})
   {:pre [(contains? tipos-transicoes-peso
                     (:peso transicao-individuo))
          (contains? tipos-estados-peso
                     (:peso estado-individuo))]

Preconditions are not working. Somehow the vars tipos-transicoes-pes and tipos-estados-peso are creating a bug in the precondition code. I know I can put those vars outside my function to make it work. But I would like to keep those definitions inside my function. How can I do that?


  • In order for the pre- and post-conditions map to be recognized as such, it must immediately follow the parameter vector. See

    An acceptable albeit not very common way to package these would be to wrap your defn in a let

     (let [tipos-transicoes-peso #{:troca-peso :mesmo-peso}
           tipos-estados-peso #{:d :e}]
       (defn executa-peso-individuo 
         [estado-individuo transicao-individuo]
         {:pre [(contains? tipos-transicoes-peso
                           (:peso transicao-individuo))
                (contains? tipos-estados-peso
                           (:peso estado-individuo))]

    In general, reserve def and defn for top-level use only. Inside a top-level let is okay, but again, not common. But, definitely do not use inside a function body as in your example.