I want to create an unknown number of objects each with a specific object name inside the main-method at runtime. The objects should be existent until the program ends (main-method ends). Note, that in my case the objects are Fields.
I thought about a solution like this:
for ( i=1 ; i <= NumberOfObjects ; i++)
if (i==1)
MyClass *ObjectName1 = new MyClass();
if (i==2)
MyClass *ObjectName2 = new MyClass();
. //more if statements for more objects
} //for loop closed
I don't think this solution is good, since the number of created objects still would be limited to the if-statements within the for-loop. Any better solutions?
Scope of pointers in loops: When the if-blocks are exited the pointers are out of scope. How can I access the with "new" created objects afterwards?
Named variables are removed once the code is compiled and doesn't mean anything to you afterwards.
Looks like you need a look up table, use an std::map or std::unordered_map with string key as the name of the object.
std::map<std::string, MyClass*> variablesTable;
for ( i=1 ; i <= NumberOfObjects ; i++)
std::ostringstream oss << "name" << i;
variablesTable[oss.str()] = new MyClass(); //you actually need to check if it exists, otherwise will be overwritten.
As if you want each created to run a separate code for each object, you can have a table of function objects (or just store both in a tuple) like this std::map<std::string, std::<MyClass, Func>>.
If you want to lookup just use,
MyClass* object = variablesTable[strName];
P.S. A known trick for hash_maps is to run script before building the project to convert any literal string to int, because comparing int is faster than strings. At least I know this was used in the Uncharted series (but hardly relevant to your case).