I have a JSON file as follows:
"volume" : "1.0"
I want to edit this to another value like 0.5 etc. When I use the following code I get strange results in my JSON file. It does write something to the JSON file but it writes strange symbols to the file with volume in between.
SimpleJSON.JSONNode node = SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse(Resources.Load<TextAsset>("JSON/Test/test").text);
// new value
node["volume"].AsFloat = 0.5f;
System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(File.Open("Assets/Resources/JSON/Test/test.json",
What is wrong with my code?
I am using SimpleSON in an Unity project.
I have solved this but forgot to post the answer so here it is.
SimpleJSON.JSONNode node = SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse(Resources.Load<TextAsset>
node["volume"].AsFloat = 0.5f;
File.WriteAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Assets/Resources/JSON/Test/" + @"\audio.json", node.ToString());