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"Heap Corruption Detected" when passing pointer to function then calling free() on the pointer

Visual Studio 2010

When I allocate memory for a char string, pass the string (pointer) to a function, then try to free the memory, I get a "Heap Corruption Detected" run-time error.

I suspect this is a result of the function marking the memory as "freed" once it returns, but I am still puzzled as how to get around this. I do not feel comfortable simply removing the call to free().

// this function takes a char string, converts it to a wide char string, 
// then passes the converted string to another function.
void Class::WriteToLog(const char * msg)
    // allocate memory
    wchar_t * wMsg = (wchar_t*)malloc((strlen(msg) * sizeof(wchar_t)) + 1); // add one for null terminating char
    // convert to wide char. This works fine, and returns 4 when msg is 4 chars long.
    numChar = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, msg, strlen(msg), wMsg, strlen(msg));

    wMsg[numChar] = L'\0'; // terminate string
    // At this point wMsg contains the same thing msg contains. Works fine.
    WriteToLogW(wMsg); // Works fine. Writes the string to a text file.
    free(wMsg); // Heap Corruption Detected

void Class::WriteToLogW(const wchar_t * msg)


  • The +1 you added at the end of your malloc will only allocate enough memory for the null terminator when working with chars, as chars are 1 byte (and hence the null terminator will take up one byte).

    Since you're using wchar_t, the null terminator will take up sizeof(wchar_t) bytes, which will virtually always be greater than 1. Therefore, the malloc call allocates insufficient memory. Re-structure your malloc call to look like this:

    wchar_t * wMsg = (wchar_t*) malloc((strlen(msg) + 1) * (sizeof(wchar_t));

    This way the total number of bytes allocated leaves room for the null terminator.