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Team City nightly build fails to start

I have a Team City instance running on my PC.

I've set up a nightly build to run at midnight each night, even if there are no checkins to build.

I leave the PC locked at night so assume the build should trigger.

However I keep getting "Unable to collect changes", "Failed to start build", "Failed to collect changes, error: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E210003: Unknown host MySVNServer".

If I set the build to run during the day, it triggers fine, even when the PC is locked.

I have a checkin triggered build, and a couple of others for 1 off ad-hoc builds to the same environment, they all run fine.

Will Team City build fail if I am not "logged in", is the fact the PC is locked causing the issue?


  • I too got this error message once. As far as I have been able to see, it was due to the server hosting our SVN repository crashing and restarting. The TeamCity project looking at this repository remained in a faulted state for some reason. Running the build manually once fixed the problem.