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How to Set default Nuget version on TeamCity 8

We currently utilize Team-city 8 for continuous integration. We recently made changes to how we handle projects that depend on various nuget packages. Initially, we would check all nuget dependencies into source control, but we decided to not do this anymore and instead enable package restore so that on build, the required packages are downloaded.

However , we are getting errors which suggest that the nuget packages cannot be found which makes sense as we haven't set a default nuget version on teamcity with no nuget installer build step.

I presume it is required that the server that hosts teamcity should be able to connect to the internet. What is the alternative if we cannot connect to the internet on the server? Is there an alternative way to deal with projects with multiple nuget packages ?

See the image below regarding teamcity's nuget settings.

enter image description here


  • Login as Administrator and go into Administration in left pane you will see Integrations section, select NuGet Settings, select nuget.exe tab and then click fetch nuget and then select option Set ase default

    In your case you just have to fetch it and set it as default.

    Here's an image

    enter image description here