This Verilog code doesn't compile.
module two_to_one_com(SW,LEDR,LEDG);
input [15:0]SW ;
input SW17;
output [7:0]LEDR;
output [7:0]LEDG;
assign X = SW[7:0];
assign Y = SW[15:8];
assign s = SW17;
assign LEDR[7:0] = SW;
assign M = LEDG[7:0];
integer index = 0;
for(index=0;index<=7;index = index+1)
assign M[index] = (~s &X[index])|(s&Y[index]);
It just keeps telling me that arrays M
, X
and Y
can't be indexed as they are undeclared. Does anyone know a solution?
You need to declare all signals with some type and a width (if greater than 1 bit); assign
is not a declaration key word. For example, I use wire
module two_to_one_com(SW,LEDR,LEDG,SW17);
input [15:0]SW ;
input SW17;
output [7:0]LEDR;
output [7:0]LEDG;
wire [7:0] X = SW[7:0];
wire [7:0] Y = SW[15:8];
wire s = SW17;
Note that I also added SW17 to the port list.
I am still getting complaints about M
, but I need to know how wide it should be (# of bits).