I am using Parsec to read through a simple file containing FilePath
s to other images.
img ../images/test.gif
img ../../gifs/image.png
I would like to parse each line one at a time, read the image in as a ByteString
, and return it wrapped in Parsec's monad. However, a function that looks like:
filename <- getName
contents <- BS.readFile fileName
results <- decodeImage contents
let image = case results of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right img -> img
return results
throws an error of
Couldn't match type `IO' with `ParsecT s0 u0 m0'
Expected type: ParsecT s0 u0 m0 BS.ByteString
Actual type: IO BS.ByteString
I'm not exactly sure how monads work yet - but it seems as if it's wrapping it in the wrong monad? Is there a way I can make this explicit?
You need to use liftIO
from Control.Monad.Trans
in the mtl
package to transform the operations on IO
into ParsecT s0 u0 IO
contents <- liftIO $ BS.readFile fileName
results <- liftIO $ decodeImage contents