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Flowchart for the Web

I am perfectly aware that "SO is not a place to ask for a tool" so I did my own search and did find a few tools, but, since I need a few specific features - I do believe that combined expertise and experience of SO users could be very useful to what I am looking for. Which is: a library to be able to build/display on a Web page a flow chart similar to this:

Workflow chart

As I mentioned I've seen jsPlumb and a few others, but it takes too much time to research individual features of each, so I hope someone who has experience could suggest the best choice. The features I am looking for:

  1. Browser support IE8+, Chrome, FF
  2. Ability to add/edit/delete chart items on the fly either visually or programmaticaly
  3. Ability to update backend (ASP.NET/SQL Server) with chart data
  4. Ability to have flexible connectors (like from Button 3 to State 1 in the example above)
  5. Ability to load chart data and have items auto-arrange into default/optimal layout
  6. Possible library to have a non-free/commercial option (this is a stupid one, but this is what the business side is asking for, they're wary of free products)

I'll possible get quite a few downvotes for this question, but I am willing to chance it, hoping that someone could suggest a good flowcharting library that fits my needs.


  • As naughty as your question is, mxGraph is the only diagramming library with full IE8- support (down to IE 6). And that's with full functionality, try on IE 8.

    1) Yes, and Opera, Safari, iOS 5+, Android 4+, Windows 8 touch, ChromeOS. 2) Yes 3) We have a full graph model implementation on the server in .NET, it's easier to integrate that a JavaScript only solution. 4) Yes 5) Yes 6) Yes

    And yes, I work on the product.