I'm exploring the Haskell repa library by trying out the multitude of programming examples. I'm aiming to implementation common image processing algorithms using repa.
There are some helpful code examples in the repa repository. They all operate on images of type Array U DIM2 a
or Array DIM2 Float
or Array U DIM2 Double
-- three image types used below
type Image = Array U DIM2 Double
type Image = Array DIM2 Float
type Image = Array U DIM2 (Word8, Word8, Word8)
-- examples/Blur/src-repa/Main.hs
blur :: Monad m => Int -> Array U DIM2 Double -> m (Array U DIM2 Double)
-- examples/Laplace/src-repa/SolverStencil.hs
solveLaplace :: Monad m => Int -> Array U DIM2 Double -> Array U DIM2 Double -> Array U DIM2 Double -> m (Array U DIM2 Double)
-- examples/Sobel/src-repa/SolverSeparated.hs
type Image = Array DIM2 Float
gradientX_sep :: Image -> Image
gradientX1 :: Image -> Image
gradientX2 :: Image -> Image
gradientY_sep :: Image -> Image
gradientY2 :: Image -> Image
-- examples/Canny/src-repa/Main.hs
type Image a = Array U DIM2 a
toGreyScale :: Image (Word8, Word8, Word8) -> IO (Image Float)
blurSepX :: Image Float -> IO (Image Float)
blurSepY :: Image Float -> IO (Image Float)
gradientX :: Image Float -> IO (Image Float)
gradientY :: Image Float -> IO (Image Float)
suppress :: Float -> Float -> Image (Float, Word8) -> IO (Image Word8)
wildfire :: Image Word8 -> Array U DIM1 Int -> IO (Image Word8)
selectStrong :: Image Word8 -> IO (Array U DIM1 Int)
gradientMagOrient :: Float -> Image Float -> Image Float -> IO (Image (Float, Word8))
There are two options for image file IO:
Images in the repa-examples package are of type Array F DIM3 Word8
, or Array F DIM2 Word8
if it's a greyscale image. This means that repa-devil cannot be used to read images to be processed with the examples in repa-examples, because images in repa-examples are two dimensional arrays whilst images in repa-devil are three dimensional arrays.
readImage :: FilePath -> IL Image
writeImage :: FilePath -> Image -> IL ()
data Image = RGBA (Array F DIM3 Word8)
| RGB (Array F DIM3 Word8)
| BGRA (Array F DIM3 Word8)
| BGR (Array F DIM3 Word8)
| Grey (Array F DIM2 Word8)
There is a closer correspondence between repa-examples and repa-io.
readImageFromBMP :: FilePath -> IO (Either Error (Array U DIM2 (Word8,Word8, Word8)))
writeImageToBMP :: FilePath -> Array U DIM2 (Word8, Word8, Word8) -> IO ()
This time, a BMP image file is being parsed into a two dimensional array with elements of type (Word8,Word8,Word8)
, presumably to represent R, G and B values. Even so, the only compatible function from the repa-examples package is toGreyScale
from above. All other functions operate on values of type Array U DIM2 Float
or Array DIM2 Float
or Array U DIM2 Double
, are all examples in repa-examples only suitable for use on greyscale images? Whilst this would make sense looking at the types, it comes as a surprise that there are no repa examples for colour images. For example, why is the type for blur
not instead:
blur :: Monad m => Int -> Array U DIM2 (Word8, Word8, Word8) -> m (Array U DIM2 (Word8, Word8, Word8))
Array U DIM2 Float
? Is it a greyscale value between 0 and 255?Array U DIM2 Float
the elements typically have the range 0.0 - 1.0
package because this would induce a dependency on a foreign codec library. Use one of the other packages like repa-devil
to load images.The repa-devil
package wraps the external DevIL library, so loaded images end up in foreign memory -- hence the F
index in Array F DIM3 Word8
. The DevIL library itself doesn't know how to build an unboxed U
array in the Haskell heap.
The examples are only examples, and I wasn't intending repa-examples
to be a fully featured image manipulation library. The fact that some arrays use a foreign F
representation, and some use an unboxed U
representation just reflects the standard issue with wrapping foreign code. If you want a uniform image manipulation API then you either need to change image representations at the boundary (which can introduce redundant copying), make the functions more polymorphic (which complicates their types), or hide the problem some how (which makes the cost model non-obvious). No matter which option you choose someone will complain about it.