While trying to get notification from C++ app through JNA callback, I constantly see JVM crashes. Native.setProtected doesn't help. The original callback declaration is
typedef void (__stdcall *TRANS2QUIK_ORDER_STATUS_CALLBACK) (long nMode, DWORD dwTransID, double dNumber, LPCSTR ClassCode, LPCSTR SecCode, double dPrice, long nBalance, double dValue, long nIsSell, long nStatus, long nOrderDescriptor);
^^^ this is that doesn't work
I tried both StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback which should work and simple Callback, they both failed. But after I wrote C++ wrapper, where I just call JNA callback as cdecl from inside of original C++ stdcall callback, everything started to work smoothly.
typedef void (*WRAPPED_ORDER_STATUS_CALLBACK) (double dNumber, double dPrice, long nBalance, double dValue, long nIsSell, long nStatus, long nOrderDescriptor);
^^^^^^ this is that works smoothly w/o problems
The question could this be a JNA bug specifically for this function signature? Because I have another stdcall callback in my code with different signature and it works just fine.
I created an isolated testcase for this issue, see below: java
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.PointerType;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD;
import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
public class JNATest {
interface TestCallback extends StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback {
void testCallback(NativeLong nMode, WinDef.DWORD dwTransID, double dNumber, LPCSTR ClassCode, LPCSTR SecCode, double dPrice, NativeLong nBalance, double dValue, NativeLong nIsSell, NativeLong nStatus, NativeLong nOrderDescriptor);
interface JNADLL extends StdCallLibrary{
void testCallback(TestCallback cb);
public static class LPCSTR extends PointerType {
public LPCSTR(Pointer address) {
public LPCSTR() {
public String toString() {
return getPointer().getString(0);
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("jna.encoding", "Cp1251");
HashMap<String, Object> nameMapping = new HashMap<String, Object>();
nameMapping.put(Library.OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, StdCallLibrary.FUNCTION_MAPPER);
JNADLL JNADll = (JNADLL) Native.loadLibrary("QuikWrap", JNADLL.class, nameMapping);
TestCallback cb = new TestCallback() {
public void testCallback(NativeLong nMode, DWORD dwTransID,
double dNumber, JNATest.LPCSTR ClassCode, JNATest.LPCSTR SecCode,
double dPrice, NativeLong nBalance, double dValue,
NativeLong nIsSell, NativeLong nStatus, NativeLong nOrderDescriptor) {
System.out.println("testCallback \n" +
" nMode: " + nMode + "\n" +
" dwTransID: " + dwTransID + "\n" +
" number: " + dNumber + "\n" +
" ClassCode: " + ClassCode + "\n" +
" SecCode: " + SecCode + "\n" +
" price: " + dPrice + "\n" +
" balance: " + nBalance + "\n" +
" value: " + dValue + "\n" +
" isSell: " + nIsSell + "\n" +
" status: " + nStatus + "\n" +
" orderDescriptor: " + nOrderDescriptor + "\n");
c header QuikWrap.h
#define QUIKWRAP_API extern "C"__declspec(dllexport)
#define QUIKWRAP_API __declspec(dllimport)
typedef void (__stdcall *TRANS2QUIK_ORDER_STATUS_CALLBACK) (long nMode, DWORD dwTransID, double dNumber, LPCSTR ClassCode, LPCSTR SecCode, double dPrice, long nBalance, double dValue, long nIsSell, long nStatus, long nOrderDescriptor);
c source QuikWrap.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "QuikWrap.h"
#include "stdio.h"
cb(1, 2, 3, "Hi", "Bye", 4.0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
cb(0, 2, 3, "Hi", "Bye", 4.0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
the only output from callback I got is
nMode: 1
dwTransID: 2
number: 3.0
ClassCode: Hi
SecCode: Bye
price: 4.0
balance: 5
value: 6.0
isSell: 7
status: 8
orderDescriptor: 9
then callback fails on exit
The issue is due to a bug in libffi
, where the stack alignment is being adjusted according to argument size, which is incorrect behavior for stdcall