here is what I did:
makdir happstack_01
cabal-dev install happstack-server
write the typical helloworld.hs with "import Happstack.Server (nullConf, simpleHTTP, toResponse, ok)"
ghc -threaded HelloWorld.hs -o helloworld
and I got: Could not find module `Happstack.Server'
This is so obvious wrong. But what I am more surprised is that no tutorial on google for simple thing as this.
Any intuition would be awesome!
This is a set of instructions for a very bare-bones, Cabalized, and sandboxed build.
$ mkdir happstack01 && cd happstack01/
$ cabal init .
$ <CR><CR><CR><CR><CR><CR><CR><CR><CR> 1 <CR><CR><CR>
$ mkdir src
$ touch src/Main.hs
$ vi happstack-01.cabal
In happstack01.cabal
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7
, happstack-server
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ vi src/Main.hs
In src/Main.hs
import Happstack.Server
main :: IO ()
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ return "Hello sandbox!"
Get some coffee while the sandbox builds.
$ cabal repl
> main
After this I usually add an executable
entry to the Cabal file and begin to build the server from that.