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Javascript json_encode > JSON.parse() array

I the following PHP code:

echo "<img src='../images/edit.png' onclick='showEditDiv(" . json_encode($row) . ");'>";

Here is the HTML result:

<img src='../images/edit.png' onclick='showEditDiv({"ID":"2","NAME":"John Smith","EMAIL":"[email protected]"});'>

And here is the Javascript code:

function showEditDiv(data) {
  data = JSON.parse(data);
  for (i=0; i< data.length; i++){ 

The problem is I'm not getting the desired array in the JS parameter. The first alert shows "[object Object]" and that's all, no more alerts. Where is the problem? My code is based on the examples I found here. All I want is to pass an array to JS function, which is in a separated .js file. I don't want to use JQuery, prefer native JS.


  • You aren't passing JSON to the function (JSON would be a string, hence ending/beginning with quotes). What you're passing is a JavaScript object literal. See the difference:

    Object literal

    {"ID":"2","NAME":"John Smith","EMAIL":"[email protected]"}

    JSON string

    "{\"ID\":\"2\",\"NAME\":\"John Smith\",\"EMAIL\":\"[email protected]\"}\"
    // or, easier than escaping all those quotes..
    '{"ID":"2","NAME":"John Smith","EMAIL":"[email protected]"}'

    Of course, for your purposes, the object literal may be easier to work with. In that case you just need to remove the JSON.parse from your JavaScript code:

    function showEditDiv(data) {
        // The below won't work unless you change your input data to a
        // JS array literal..
        /* for (i=0; i< data.length; i++){ 
        }; */
        // ..but you can do this (though it's risky to iterate through keys
        // on an object without at least using HasOwnProperty)
        for (var key in data) {