Guys I was working on Unity3D's MonoDevelop. I was implementing my classes however I got an error I cannot figure out what is. The problem I get is in the title at the line where I override the abstract methods proceed and isFinished. What is the problem?
namespace tool
public class TaskManager
public TaskManager ()
public abstract class Task {
public bool isEvitable = true;
public abstract void proceed();
public abstract bool isFinished();
public class MoveTask : Task {
float speed;
Vector3 targetPosition;
GameObject movingObject;
private MoveTask(GameObject gameObject, float speed, Vector3 target) {
this.movingObject = gameObject;
this.speed = speed;
this.targetPosition = target;
public void proceed() {
Vector3 objPos = movingObject.transform.position;
movingObject.transform.position = new Vector3 (Mathf.Lerp(objPos.x, targetPosition.x, speed),
Mathf.Lerp(objPos.y, targetPosition.y, speed),
Mathf.Lerp(objPos.z, targetPosition.z, speed));
public bool isFinished() {
try this. yours is java syntax.
public override void proceed(){
public override bool isFinished(){
return false;