I'am really stuck with this C++ error:
template<typename T>
void Shift(T* Data, const ulong& Length, long Offset) const
if((!Data) || (!Length))
if(Offset < 0)
Offset = (Length-1) - ((-Offset-1) % Length);
Offset %= Length;
int TSize = sizeof(T);
T* Shifter = new T[Length];
memcpy(Shifter, Data + TSize * Offset, TSize * (Length - Offset));
memcpy(Shifter + TSize * (Length - Offset), Data, TSize * Offset); //fails
memcpy(Data, Shifter, TSize * Length);
delete[] Shifter;
Well, fail is:
77CD0575 ntdll!TpWaitForAlpcCompletion() (C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll:??)
0028D640 ?? () (??:??)
77CB57C2 ntdll!RtlLargeIntegerDivide() (C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll:??)
003E1030 ?? () (??:??)
77C92A8A ntdll!RtlCopyExtendedContext() (C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll:??)
?? ?? () (??:??)
T is either byte of short, btw.
You got the pointer arithmetics wrong. Let's say:
T* p = new T[10];
To get to the n'th element, you have to use
T* nth = p + n;
In your memcpy arguments you use it like
T* nth = p + sizeof(T) * n;
which will obviously be out of bounds at times.