I've been going at this for about 4 hours now. I've tried several things which I'll explain after the question.
I have all of this EXIF data from the JPG in question (listed below)
What I am trying to do is re-save the JPG into a different folder with a new name. That new name is supposed to be the $data["EXIF"]["UserComment"] after stripping out the "GCM_TAG". This is a barcode that is scanned at a warehouse before the picture is taken.
I am not getting any errors back, I am not getting any warnings back, but the image never shows up. If I change the code to not have the $barcode in it, then suddenly the image shows up. I have tried printing $barcode, I have tried checking what the encoding on the variable is, I have tried using fopen(), file_put_contents() and copy() all to no avail. Each one has the same results. The folder has 777 permissions on it, I can add/remove files using php just fine and have tested that in this code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$directory = getcwd();
echo __FILE__;
print "<br />";
print $directory;
if ($dirhandle = opendir($directory))
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dirhandle)))
if($entry == "." || $entry == "..")
//ignore, its just the folder commands
$data = exif_read_data($entry,"ANY_TAG",true,false);
//print "2";
//print "3";
$barcode = str_replace("GCM_TAG","",$data["EXIF"]["UserComment"]);
$filepath = "../test_import_photos_end/X" . $barcode . ".JPG";
copy($entry, $filepath);
[FILE] => Array
[FileName] => RIMG0089.JPG
[FileDateTime] => 1385421951
[FileSize] => 2592157
[FileType] => 2
[MimeType] => image/jpeg
[COMPUTED] => Array
[html] => width="4000" height="3000"
[Height] => 3000
[Width] => 4000
[IsColor] => 1
[ByteOrderMotorola] => 1
[ApertureFNumber] => f/3.5
[UserComment] => GCM_TAG
[UserCommentEncoding] => UNDEFINED
[Copyright] =>
[Thumbnail.FileType] => 2
[Thumbnail.MimeType] => image/jpeg
[IFD0] => Array
[ImageDescription] => Exif_JPEG_PICTURE
[Make] => RICOH
[Model] => G700 SE
[Orientation] => 1
[XResolution] => 72/1
[YResolution] => 72/1
[ResolutionUnit] => 2
[Software] => G700SE Firmware
[DateTime] => 2013:11:25 02:53:04
[YCbCrPositioning] => 2
[Copyright] =>
[Exif_IFD_Pointer] => 552
[UndefinedTag:0xC4A5] => PrintIM0300d
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[THUMBNAIL] => Array
[Compression] => 6
[XResolution] => 72/1
[YResolution] => 72/1
[ResolutionUnit] => 2
[JPEGInterchangeFormat] => 12276
[JPEGInterchangeFormatLength] => 2724
[EXIF] => Array
[ExposureTime] => 1/30
[FNumber] => 350/100
[ExposureProgram] => 2
[ISOSpeedRatings] => 320
[ExifVersion] => 0221
[DateTimeOriginal] => 2013:11:25 02:53:04
[DateTimeDigitized] => 2013:11:25 02:53:04
[ComponentsConfiguration] =>
[CompressedBitsPerPixel] => 184/100
[ApertureValue] => 35/100
[BrightnessValue] => 200/100
[ExposureBiasValue] => 0/100
[MaxApertureValue] => 361/100
[MeteringMode] => 5
[LightSource] => 0
[Flash] => 16
[FocalLength] => 500/100
[MakerNote] => Ricoh
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[UserComment] => GCM_TAG11800038
[FlashPixVersion] => 0100
[ColorSpace] => 1
[ExifImageWidth] => 4000
[ExifImageLength] => 3000
[InteroperabilityOffset] => 1732
[ExposureMode] => 0
[WhiteBalance] => 0
[SceneCaptureType] => 0
[Sharpness] => 0
[INTEROP] => Array
[InterOperabilityIndex] => R98
[InterOperabilityVersion] => 0100
As i see there was an error with the filename (the binary data may corrupts the array()) and copy() just throws an E_WARNING message and must be added to error_reporting(E_ALL); or error_reporting(E_WARNING); to see it.