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Generics in hardware description language

I'm fairly new to HD description languages. I'm finding it a bit hard to change my C-ish programming skills, and I'm looking for a little guaidance to help my throw the following problem.

I want to implement a full tree, that its inner nodes are different than its leaves. The number of the leaves is generic (asuming there is 2^k leaves so the tree can be full)

Each inner node is a component made out of a simple combinational circuit.

The leaves are synchronized with a clock, and are connected to the next leaf (breaking the tree structures - and forming something like a shift register)

This means that my design has to have a generic number of components that is connected according to the number of leaves.

While this could be solved recursivly in no time in C-based languages. I can't grasp the idea of solving it in HDL, since this generic form is different than n-bit input signals...

My implementation must be synthesizable, so SystemVerilog can't shine in this area :(

Is it possible to implement the described problem while keeping my code synthesizable? can anyone guide me throw this or point me to a good reference regarding this topic?


  • I'll try to provide an answer that allows you to build a generic tree, without recursion, based only on the tree height provided as a generic at compile time. The code itself looks a bit tricky for my taste; however, the principles behind the solution are straigthforward. Here's an outline of the solution:

    • Imagine your nodes will be placed on a grid, with dimensions V=TREE_HEIGHT+1 and H=2**TREE_HEIGHT (see the ASCII-gram below). Then, all you need is an algorithm to populate the grid with nodes, and to make the right input and output connections.
    • To connect one level of the tree to the next, you can use a bidimensional array of size TREE_HEIGHT x 2**TREE_HEIGHT (see line 63 in the code example below).
    • To instantiate the nodes, use two nested loops (for-generate in VHDL, see lines 68-69). You will not populate all nodes; for a given row at depth=i, only 2**(i-1) nodes are needed (line 71).
    • You can instantiate different entities for internal and leaf nodes. Just check whether the current value of i equals TREE_HEIGHT (lines 74 and 84).
    • Finally, you just need to connect the layers of the tree. The arithmetic is a bit tricky, but once you get it right you're done (lines 78-80).
    • Count on your synthesis tool to remove the unused wires.

    Here's a poor rendition of the "grid" for HEIGHT=2:

                 j = 1           j = 2           j = 3           j = 4      
    i = 1  | Root Node     |    (empty)    |    (empty)    |    (empty)    |
    i = 2  | Internal Node | Internal Node |    (empty)    |    (empty)    |
    i = 3  | Internal Node | Internal Node | Internal Node | Internal Node |

    Here's the code example:

    /*  1 */  package tree_types_pkg is
    /*  2 */      -- define a data type for the input and output values at each node
    /*  3 */      subtype tree_data_type is integer range 0 to 255;
    /*  4 */      -- define a vector type to propagate the output of a tree level to the next
    /*  5 */      type layer_to_layer_channel_type is array (natural range <>) of tree_data_type;
    /*  6 */  end;
    /*  7 */  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /*  8 */  use work.tree_types_pkg.all;
    /*  9 */
    /* 10 */  entity internal_node is
    /* 11 */      generic (
    /* 12 */          TREE_HEIGHT: integer := 3
    /* 13 */      );
    /* 14 */      port (
    /* 15 */          x: in integer range 1 to 2**TREE_HEIGHT;
    /* 16 */          y: in integer range 1 to TREE_HEIGHT;
    /* 17 */          input: in tree_data_type;
    /* 18 */          output_left: out tree_data_type;
    /* 19 */          output_right: out tree_data_type
    /* 20 */      );
    /* 21 */  end;
    /* 22 */
    /* 23 */  architecture rtl of internal_node is begin
    /* 24 */      -- perform some calculation at the node
    /* 25 */      output_left <= input + x * y;
    /* 26 */      output_right <= input - x * y;
    /* 27 */  end;
    /* 28 */  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /* 29 */  use work.tree_types_pkg.all;
    /* 20 */
    /* 31 */  entity leaf_node is
    /* 32 */      generic (
    /* 33 */          TREE_HEIGHT: integer := 3
    /* 34 */      );
    /* 35 */      port (
    /* 36 */          x: in integer range 1 to 2**TREE_HEIGHT;
    /* 37 */          y: in integer range 1 to TREE_HEIGHT;
    /* 38 */          input: in tree_data_type;
    /* 39 */          output: out tree_data_type
    /* 30 */      );
    /* 41 */  end;
    /* 42 */
    /* 43 */  architecture rtl of leaf_node is begin
    /* 44 */      -- perform some calculation at the node
    /* 45 */      output <= input + x * y;
    /* 46 */  end;
    /* 47 */  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /* 48 */  use work.tree_types_pkg.all;
    /* 49 */
    /* 50 */  entity dirtybit_binary_tree is
    /* 51 */      generic (
    /* 52 */          TREE_HEIGHT: integer := 4
    /* 53 */      );
    /* 54 */      port (
    /* 55 */          tree_input: in tree_data_type;
    /* 56 */          tree_outputs: out layer_to_layer_channel_type(1 to 2**TREE_HEIGHT)
    /* 57 */      );
    /* 58 */  end;
    /* 59 */
    /* 60 */  architecture behavior of dirtybit_binary_tree is
    /* 61 */      constant LEAF_NODES_COUNT: integer := 2**TREE_HEIGHT;
    /* 62 */      type channel_array_type is array (natural range <>) of layer_to_layer_channel_type;
    /* 63 */      signal connections: channel_array_type(1 to TREE_HEIGHT)(1 to LEAF_NODES_COUNT);
    /* 64 */  begin
    /* 65 */
    /* 66 */      connections(1)(1) <= tree_input;
    /* 67 */
    /* 68 */      grid_y: for i in 1 to TREE_HEIGHT generate
    /* 69 */          grid_x: for j in 1 to LEAF_NODES_COUNT generate
    /* 70 */
    /* 71 */              instantiate_nodes: if j <= 2**(i-1) generate
    /* 72 */
    /* 73 */                  internal_nodes: if (i /= TREE_HEIGHT) generate
    /* 74 */                      internal_node: entity work.internal_node 
    /* 75 */                          generic map (TREE_HEIGHT => TREE_HEIGHT)
    /* 76 */                          port map (
    /* 77 */                              x => j,
    /* 78 */                              y => i,
    /* 79 */                              input        => connections(i)(j),
    /* 80 */                              output_left  => connections(i+1)((j-1)*i+1),
    /* 81 */                              output_right => connections(i+1)((j-1)*i+2)
    /* 82 */                          );
    /* 83 */                  end generate;
    /* 84 */
    /* 85 */                  leaf_nodes: if (i = TREE_HEIGHT) generate
    /* 86 */                      leaf_node: entity work.leaf_node 
    /* 87 */                          generic map (TREE_HEIGHT => TREE_HEIGHT)
    /* 88 */                          port map (
    /* 89 */                              x => j,
    /* 90 */                              y => i,
    /* 91 */                              input  => connections(i)(j),
    /* 92 */                              output => tree_outputs(j)
    /* 93 */                          );
    /* 94 */                  end generate;
    /* 95 */
    /* 96 */              end generate;
    /* 97 */
    /* 98 */          end generate;
    /* 99 */      end generate;
    /* 100 */
    /* 101 */ end;

    Finally, here's what the synthesized circuit looks like on Quartus 12.1 (RTL Viewer):

    Tree circuit on Quartus RTL Viewer