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How to use getBytes() in VC++

How to Use GetBytes() Method in VC++

In Java ,

         **byte[] saltedPassword = (password + getSalt()).getBytes();**

output :

 SaltedPassword :[B@3eca90

here saltedPassword get encoded value in the same way i want to implement in VC++

Please anyone give me a Solution.

Thanks in Advance..


  • A possible solution using MFC goes like this:

    CString getSalt()
      return (CString)"mysalt" ;  // dummy function, should be replaced by *your* code
    CByteArray saltedPassword ;
    CString password ;
    CString saltedpasswordstring = password + getSalt() ;
    for (int i = 0; i < saltedpasswordstring.GetLength() ; i++)
      saltedPassword.Add((BYTE)saltedpasswordstring[i]) ;
    // now the saltedPassword array contains what you want

    But maybe you should learn MFC and/or C++ before