SOLVED: Error in template file
I have Smarty setup like this:
require_once 'smarty/Smarty.class.php';
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->compile_dir = $compile_dir;
$smarty->template_dir = $tpl_dir;
That's all I should need for now... I have Smarty setup exactly like this for another site and it works just fine on the same server.
outputs all its public variables and $smarty->template_exists("index.tpl")
returns 1
, which would both indicate that Smarty is properly setup and working, however, both $smarty->display("index.tpl")
and $output = $smarty->fetch("index.tpl"); echo $output;
outputs blank page. And the index.tpl file certainly contains HTML.
Have I forgotten some step or what?
ini_set('display_errors', true);
error_reporting(E_ALL + E_NOTICE);
Also created config directory for Smarty.
And tried $output = $smarty->fetch("index.tpl"); var_dump($output)
Still blank page.
If I echo "foo";
before $smarty->display("index.tpl")
it outputs the line, but if I do it after it, it doesn't output it.
I had additional {}
(without $
) variables in the template file that were supposed to be implemented later in the code, assuming Smarty would just replace those with blank I didn't think it could be those causing the problem, but after removing them it worked fine.