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How to use subquery as a geometry parameter on postgis?

I need to compare some spatial data on postgis, but I need to compare with not geometry data in another table "card_history", witch contains lat and long fields necessary to use "ST_GeomFromText" function. But how do I do it in a single query? Since I'm working on php (witch is not relevant) it would be very painful to make a lot of queries...

I'm trying something like this:

SELECT ST_Distance_Sphere
      (SELECT DISTINCT ON (userid) long from card_history) 
      (SELECT DISTINCT ON (userid) lat from card_history))',4326),
   ST_GeomFromText('POINT(17.0712215 48.15825)',4326)

But the subquery doesn't seem to work as parameter for "POINT". Please Help


  • try this

    lon AS (
        SELECT DISTINCT ON (userid) AS long from card_history
     lat AS (
         SELECT DISTINCT ON (userid) AS lat from card_history
    SELECT ST_Distance_Sphere(ST_GeomFromText(
    'POINT(' || lon.lon || ' ' || || ',4326'),
    ST_GeomFromText('POINT(17.0712215 48.15825)',4326))
    FROM lon, lat;