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Defining an array down to a nonzero constant

I have the following sub-module:

module test
input [LENGTH : 1] array;



and I'm calling it from a top module as follows:

wire [LENGTH-1 : 0] array_top;
test test_i
.array (array_top);

Assume LENGTH is the same in both modules.

  1. How will array_top map to array, given array_top goes down to zero but array goes to down 1?
  2. Why would anyone define an array down to 1 and not down to 0?
  3. What will happen to array[0]?


  • Your questions can be answered with a small testbench:

    module tb;
    reg [3:0] atop;
    initial begin
        $monitor("array_top=%b, array=%b", array_top, test_i.array);
        #1 atop = 4'b0000;
        #1 atop = 4'b0001;
        #1 atop = 4'b0010;
        #1 atop = 4'b0100;
    wire [3:0] array_top = atop;
    test test_i (.array (array_top));
    module test (input [4:1] array);


    array_top=xxxx, array=xxxx
    array_top=0000, array=0000
    array_top=0001, array=0001
    array_top=0010, array=0010
    array_top=0100, array=0100
    1. From your connection: array[1] = array_top[0], etc.
    2. Sometimes people want to omit connecting a signal's LSB, like an address for a memory, because the LSB has no effect.
    3. There is no array[0] signal.