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yii query string do not change when click language picker

Actually My web having language picker, its working nice but some one give redirect url for my webapp.


It's all working fine...

But when click language picker the url will be

But i need the url not fully changed, i need only the full url following way

How can i do this one?


  • I assume you simply want to preserve all GET parameters in the URL and simply add the language parameter to it.

    The Yii Request object has a method called getQueryString() which will return all parameters currently available as a String.

    Using that you could do the following to the example code you posted above to create your language picker URL:

    $getParams = Yii::app()->request->getQueryString();
    // ... 
    <!-- ... -->
    <a href="<?php echo $baseURL . (empty($getParams) ? '?' : '&amp;' ); ?>language=fr">…</a>