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Change output colour in Powershell script

I want to modify my ActiveDirectory lookup script to output a certain result in color.

The Script Imports the AD module and then prompts you to enter a username and see certain properties such as Name, E-mail Address and Employee ID.

There are a couple of properties whose color I'd like to change depending on the output.

For example if 'LockedOut' or 'PasswordExpired' is 'True', I would like the text color to be red for these particular results.

Is that possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is the script

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

   $username = (read-host "Please Enter Username to Lookup")

   get-aduser $username  -properties Created, Name, EmployeeID, EmailAddress, Enabled, LockedOut, LastBadPasswordAttempt, PasswordExpired, AccountExpires, LastLogonDate, Modified, LogonCount, HomeDirectory, Office, TelephoneNumber | Format-List Created, Modified, LogonCount, Name, EmailAddress, EmployeeID, Enabled, LockedOut, PasswordExpired, LastLogonDate, LastBadPasswordAttempt, HomeDirectory, Office, TelephoneNumber

   $response = Read-Host "Enter 'Y' to check another user, any other key to exit"
while ($response -eq "Y") 


  • Write-Host has parameters to specify foreground and backgroundcolor:

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    [string[]]$getADProps=echo Created, Name, EmployeeID, EmailAddress, Enabled, LockedOut, LastBadPasswordAttempt, PasswordExpired, AccountExpires, LastLogonDate, Modified, LogonCount, HomeDirectory, Office, TelephoneNumber
    [string[]]$flProps=echo Created, Modified, LogonCount, Name, EmailAddress, EmployeeID, Enabled, LockedOut, PasswordExpired, LastLogonDate, LastBadPasswordAttempt, HomeDirectory, Office, TelephoneNumber
        $username = (read-host "Please Enter Username to Lookup")
        $adUser=Get-ADUser $username  -properties $getADProps  
        if ($adUser.'LockedOut' -or $adUser.'PasswordExpired'){
            $adUser | Format-List $flProps  | Out-String | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red
            $adUser | Format-List $flProps
        $response = Read-Host "Enter 'Y' to check another user, any other key to exit"
    }while ($response -eq "Y")