if I have a io port which is io.myoutput = UInt(width = 840)
Then I have a val a = vec.fill(140){UInt(width = 6)}
How do i assign the entire a vec into the output port? I tried for loop with
for (i = 0 until 140){
io.myoutput(i*6+5,i*6) := a(i)}
But it gives me
finished inference (1)
start width checking
finished width checking
started flattenning
finished flattening (2)
Lbi.scala:37: error: reassignment to Node in class TutorialExamples.Lbi
Lbi.scala:37: error: reassignment to Node in class TutorialExamples.Lbi
Lbi.scala:37: error: reassignment to Node in class TutorialExamples.Lbi
val x = Vec.fill(140){UInt(1, width=6)}
io.myoutput := x.toBits
The "toBits" method is what you want. It flattens a Vec into its raw bits.
I'm not sure exactly what is causing the error message, but in general, you can't really reassign to specific bits in a wire in Chisel.
val y = Bits(0,width=32)
y(1) := UInt(0)
y(3) := UInt(3)
That will throw an error.