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Create Win7 batch file to copy files out from all folders

I am trying to write a batch file to do the following tasks:

  1. I have 20 sub-folders(milk, cheese, protein...) within one folder(ABC). Each subfolder has about 15 monthly files in .csv, named as 2013-10-01, 2013-09-02, 2013-07-31.....

  2. These monthly files are added on a monthly basis and there is no pattern regarding their names, e.g., it could be the first day for October but the fourth day for November. So each month I add a new file to each subfolder, i.e., the number of files is increasing;

  3. Every month, for each subfolder/category, I want to copy the most recent 9 monthly files to another location, say, folder CDE;

  4. After copying them to folder CDE, I put them all together to one file with a unique name defined using the current time(%%d-%%e-%%f). In such way I can have the monthly file for each category every month.

I am able to write the code for step 4 and am wondering if any of you could help on step 3. I now have to manually copy and paste the 9 files from all 20 subfolders every time. It is very inefficient and I know some batch commands could definitely make the process quicker and easier.

Thank you very much!


  • EDIT fixed the 'copy all files' issue.

    This should do the following: (change c:\cde and c:\abc)

    1) copy 9 most recent files from the folder
    2) merge them all into one file called foldername-HHMMSS (from the time variable)
    3) The foldername-HHMMSS file is created in the c:\ABC folder
    4) remove the 9 copied files
    5) repeat for each folder

    @echo off
    set "source=D:\ABC"
    set "target=C:\files\CDE"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    md "%target%" 2>nul
    for /d /r "%source%" %%a in (*) do (
      pushd "%%a"
         set num=0
             for /f "delims=" %%b in ('dir /o-d /b /a-d') do (
               set /a num+=1
               if !num! LSS 10 copy "%%b" "%target%" >nul
         set t=!time!
         set t=!t:~0,2!!t:~3,2!!t:~6,2!
         copy "%target%\*.*" "%source%\%%~nxa-!t!" >nul
         echo "%source%\%%~nxa-!t!" created from "%%a"
         if defined target del "%target%\*.*?"