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Grails get child domain objects

I have two domain classes one is parent and other one is child and i have a hasMany relationship between them. Parent class has many childs and child class belongs to parent class. And here is coding example.

class Parent{
   String name
    static hasMany = [childs:Child] 
    static constraints = {

class Child{
   String name
   static belongsTo = [parent:Parent]
   static constraints={}

Problem is as soon as I get the parent object the child objects associated with parent class were also fetched. But when I convert the object to JSON I don't see the child object completely I can only able to see the ID's of child objects. I want to see all columns of child object instead of only Id.

Converted JSON response:


But I want the response which contains name of child object too, as follows


Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • The issue is with the use of default JSON converter. Here are your options:

     1. Default  -  all fields, shallow associations
        a. render blah as JSON
     2. Global deep converter - change all JSON converters to use deep association traversal
        a. grails.converters.json.default.deep = true
     3. Named config marshaller using provided or custom converters
        a. JSON.createNamedConfig('deep'){
            it.registerObjectMarshaller( new DeepDomainClassMarshaller(...) )
        b. JSON.use('deep'){
            render blah as JSON
     4. Custom Class specific closure marshaller 
        a. JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(MyClass){ return map of properties}
        b. render myClassInstance as JSON
     5. Custom controller based closure to generate a map of properties
        a. convert(object){
            return map of properties
        b. render convert(blah) as JSON

    You are currently using Option 1, which is default.

    The simplest you can do is use Option 2 to set global deep converter, but be aware this effects ALL domain classes in your app. Which means that if you have a large tree of associations culminating in a top level object and you try to convert a list of those top level objects the deep converter will execute all of the queries to fetch all of the associated objects and their associated objects in turn. - You could load an entire database in one shot :) Be careful.